Advanced 2D-materials based fibre optic biosensors

报告题目:Advanced 2D-materials based fibre optic biosensors

报告人:Dr Xianfeng Chen 

Associate Professor, School of Science and Technology  Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom



报告摘要:In this talk, Dr Chen will introduce optical fibre grating technologies including fibre Bragg gratings, long-period gratings, and tilted gratings, review the state-of-the-art on 2D nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, and present recent multidisciplinary research on nanophotonics for light-matter interface, label-free biosensing, and cancer diagnostic applications.

报告人简介:陈险峰博士,早年毕业于苏州大学物理系,2002年获全奖赴英国Aston大学攻读博士学位,2006年顺利获得博士学位并留任博士后从事新型光纤光栅的制备及其应用等研究。于2012年获得Bangor大学的终生职位,现为Nottingham Trent 大学副教授,博士生导师,生物光子与传感研究组负责人。陈博士及其团队近年来在光子生物学,二维纳米材料,纳米技术,生物医疗等领域从事多学科交叉及前瞻性研究,已申请专利两项,发表论文150余篇。


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